I am completely baffled by how, in this sequence of photos, the cuteness quotient increases exponentially. It's one thing to maintain a level of cuteness, but I've never seen such a thing.
Here's Ellie, showing off her mad popper skillz*.

And here you'll find Ellie, Ridley and Bryce.
I don't know why E. and B. don't have any pants on.
Maybe that's part of the cuteness quotient?

OK, seriously. Does this not just make you giddy inside?
Look at Ellie; she looks like she's about to explode with glee.

And our final, parting shot. One of only two boy cousins of the seven total on B.'s side.
This is a picture I expect to see posted on one of those potentially
embarrassing "photo boards" that parents and siblings put together
for high school graduation:

Show's over! Did I not try to tell you about the cuteness quotient? Did I not forewarn you of the expanding balloon of cuteness that just exploded?
*A quick story about the popper, which I think is funny and I remembered it when I saw the photo. Grandma Cindy gave that popper to Ellie for Christmas this year. At the same holiday gift opening extravaganza, Grandma Cindy also gave cousin Z. a similar popper, but this one was more of a rolling cylinder that sounded tinkly and fairy bell-y when you rolled it. So as the girls were running around with their new rolly/poppy/tinkly toys one day, Z.'s dad piped up and, speaking as if he were Z., explained how "First, you have to pop the floor. Then, you can fairy dust it."
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