We eased into the day with a birthday serenade before her eyes were even fully open. She loved it! She loved it so much she wanted me to sing it 'gin, 'gin, 'gin (again), and then she wanted me to change the words and sing it to myself, and then sing it to daddy. At some point in the day I even sung happy birthday to Dora and Mickey Mouse. Next stop was a hotel in town, where Ellie's cousins had stayed overnight. We joined them for about an hour in the pool, where Ellie got to use a floaty for the first time. After nap, we skyped with Grandma, and I frosted the cake, and then we went to the doctor for her 2-year check-up, which she came out of with NO shots and a clean bill of health.
Ellie received some wonderful gifts. Thanks to my Aunt Dianne, Bonner's aunties Bee and Glenda, and Grandma Cindy.
Special thanks to Grandma Cindy for the book of 2000 animal stickers!

Blow, blow, blow!

Mmmm...num num num...

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