Wednesday, August 5, 2009


As I wrote a few posts ago, Ellie's vocabulary and ability to pronounce words has exploded over the last couple months. Right around her birthday, something clicked in her toddler brain and off she went. She's stringing together several words, which tickles me to no end. Other than her tendency to answer every question with "yeah", we are enjoying the ability to have a conversation with our kid! The other night, she was calling out "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" And then, out of nowhere, she yells "Daddy! Sit there! Eat supper!" Keep in mind that for her, each word has it's own little punctuation, so it sounds more like "Daddy! Sit! There! Eat! Supper!" Which makes it even more precious.

I've captured some of her speak in little video snippets, where I ask her to say something and then she repeats it. I'm hoping to someday be savvy enough to edit all of these into a little film, but now we all just have to be satisfied with one or two words per video.

I hope you enjoy video #1. Topic: Exercises, Banana, but no Toast.

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