Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Don't's not a real knife.

This is sure to make some of you flinch. Someone generously gave us a play kitchen set, including the giant plastic structure (which has been relegated to the side of the house until winter) and a big bag full of plastic food and utensils. Some of the plastic food is fruits and veggies that are actually two pieces each, stuck together with velcro (excuse me...hook and loop closures). As you'll see in the video, there is also a plastic chefs knife and a cutting board. Ellie had, up until the filming of this video, been satisfied to sit on the floor with the veggies, knife and cutting board, and she had a decent amount of success cutting those veggies in half by wedging that knife between the halves.

On this day, however, I discovered her standing in the living room attempting to cut those wiley foodstuffs with the knife in one hand and the produce in the other. Keep an eye out for classic concentration faces, right at about 25, 45, and 57 seconds. 25 is our favorite.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Ellie continues to grow almost as fast as the weeds in our garden. About a month ago we got this quick video of her messing about with a Fisher-Price Little People house (an awesome collectible I found at a garage sale but didn't pay nearly enough for to keep them away from little hands...and she loves them). She's pulling the house around and knocking into the little dingy bell. For some reason she really liked sitting on it's peaked roof on this particular afternoon, which gave me the opportunity to ask who, exactly, is sitting on the house.