She has started really rolling around, which is a lot of fun to watch, but is an obvious distraction when she should be napping. "Object permanence" is developing, particularly when she drops something from her chair or exersaucer onto the floor; now instead of immediately moving on to another toy, she peers over the edge, trying to spot the dropped object. As of now, she does not scream to have it returned.
As I was sitting down to download the pictures from the camera, I remembered how I used to freak myself out using the laptop while I was pregnant. I would balance the computer on my big tummy and I worried that I was transferring some sort of weird electronic wave into the growing baby. To a lesser degree I also worried about carrying my cellphone in the pocket of my hoodie sweatshirt, right on my tum.
Anyway. Thanks to Marnie for turning me on to The Pioneer Woman. Marnie recommended The Pioneer Woman Cooks, which in turn led me to Confessions of a Pioneer Woman. I am one of the people who is, for better or worse, hooked on this woman's periodic recollection of meeting and marrying a cowboy.
This leads me to my own cowboy, who is actually in no way, shape, or form a cowboy. We've had a rough couple of weeks with all of us being sick, dealing with the winter blahs and blues, feeling our own ruts at work, and generally not having much energy left over for ourselves every day. I think I'm not too far off base when I say that we both feel somewhat under-appreciated by each other lately. With that said, here's a short (not at all exhaustive!) list of why I love BK: He does all the shoveling, whenever it needs to be done. This includes nearly every square inch of our driveway, which is pretty extensive as compared to other suburban driveways due to it wrapping around the garage into the back yard, where it meets up with the shop. Shoveling also happens on the deck, and most recently on the roof. Here is proof.
As you can see in the following photos, first he slogs through the knee-high snow on the deck to clear a portion of the roof. Next, he starts to shovel himself out. Then, he works on clearing the deck. This is the form of manly which my man takes on. Suits me just fine!

Other reasons I love BK: He's been working tirelessly to fix up an old snowblower given to us (sweet success just last night!). He stays relatively calm, most of the time. He's supportive of me and Ellie jetting to Miami to see Al, Mitch and new baby Azalea. He vacuums. He vacuums the rugs in 'my' bathroom. He works a second job at night, but always takes a break to watch LOST with me. He looks hot when he throws sparkies and lays darkies (you may not know what that means, but BK does, and I better get a nice little neck nuzzle for having it on the list!). He's getting more and more into feeding Ellie, now that mama is not her sole source of nourishment. He's a good daddy. I love you, BK!
1 comment:
There is so much sweetness in this post, I may just print it out and stir it in my coffee!
I'm glad you enjoy PW - she's a riot!
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