I don't have photographic evidence, but the baby's room is D-U-N done! Flooring, rug, trim, walls, etc. We were going to also replace the ugly fan/light combo on the ceiling, but it works fine at this point. There will be at least one lamp in the room as well. Glider rocker is installed and looking comfy. The wimmings assembled the HUGE convertible crib, and that looks super as well.

This would be our fetus at the 30-week ultrasound. This latest shot shows the down-turned mouth of BITO's ancestors. The baby's right hand is over her face, and there's some other goo in the way of a clear shot of her eyes and nose. Tricky little thing. But such a cutie.
We're 2/3's of the way done with the birthing classes. Daddy Boot Camp was a success as well. I got to change a diaper (just a wet one), so that was cool. It was nice to be able to speak frankly with new dads about their experiences. Teachers can be only so open and honest. The real deal was very satisfying.
Clock is ticking. Kitchen remodel is forging ahead at a stately pace. The bamboo flooring is installed, and now we must get the walls filled, primed, textured and painted prior to getting any cabinets up. Oh, and yours truly didn't order enough cabinet legs...so there's another setback. *sigh*